Defines the possible outcomes of the apply operation.
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class Applied<out T : AdjustmentsComponent.Adjustment>( val adjustment: T, val controller: AdjustmentsComponent.Adjustment.Controller) : AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.Result<T>
The adjustment was successfully applied. The associated controller can be used to modify the adjustment's properties until it the adjustment is removed.
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class Unavailable<out T : AdjustmentsComponent.Adjustment>(val adjustment: T) : AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.Result<T>
The adjustment could not be applied as it is unavailable or unsupported in the current client environment.
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fun <T : AdjustmentsComponent.Adjustment> AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.Result<T>.whenApplied( callback: Consumer<AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.Result.Applied<T>>)
Notifies when result of AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.apply command is AdjustmentsComponent.Processor.Result.Applied.