
object Noop : LensesComponent.Processor

Convenience implementation of Processor which does nothing but notify operation callbacks with failure.


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open fun apply(lens: LensesComponent.Lens, callback: Consumer<Boolean> = Consumer {})
Attempts to apply the provided lens model with Lens.LaunchData.Empty.
open fun apply(lens: LensesComponent.Lens, launchData: LensesComponent.Lens.LaunchData = Lens.LaunchData.Empty, callback: Consumer<Boolean> = Consumer {})
Attempts to apply the provided lens model with launchData.
open override fun apply(lens: LensesComponent.Lens, launchData: LensesComponent.Lens.LaunchData, reset: Boolean, callback: Consumer<Boolean>)
Attempts to apply the provided lens model with launchData and the reset flag which determines whether lens state should be reset if the same lens is currently applied.
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open override fun clear(callback: Consumer<Boolean>)
Removes any applied Lens models.
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open override fun connectInput(input: AudioProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open override fun connectInput(input: ImageProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open override fun connectInput(input: LocationProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open override fun connectInput(input: MediaProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open override fun connectInput(input: SafeRenderAreaProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open override fun connectInput(input: UserProcessor.Input): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open fun connectInput(input: ImageProcessor.Input, options: Set<ImageProcessor.Input.Option>): Closeable
Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
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open override fun connectOutput(output: ImageProcessor.Output): Closeable
Connects the provided output to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
open fun connectOutput(output: ImageProcessor.Output, options: Set<ImageProcessor.Output.Option>): Closeable
Connects the provided output to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required.
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open override fun observe(onEvent: Consumer<LensesComponent.Processor.Event>): Closeable
Allows to observe lens lifecycle events defined in Event.
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open override fun observeRequiredCapabilities(onCapabilitiesRequested: Consumer<Set<ImageProcessor.Input.Capability>>): Closeable
Takes in onCapabilitiesRequested that will be notified when image processing operations require additional data from connected Input.